Interview Questions OBIEE

1)      Tell me your experience in OBIEE, along with your roles & responsibility in projects?

2)      What is the architecture of OBIEE?

3)      What is the difference between Siebel Analytics, OBIEE 10.x & OBIEE 11.x

4)      Have you worked in BI Publisher? if yes, tell me the process of generating published report?

5)      Have you scheduled reports? If yes tell me the process (from scratch) of creating scheduled reports.

6)      How do you migrate development environment changes to QA / production?

7)      What are the types of Security, how do you implement them?

8)      If you forget administrator password to access your repository, what corrective actions you would be taking?

9)      If your client addresses performance issue in some most prominent reports, accessed by many end users, what corrective actions you would be taking?

10)   What is Authentication / Authorization? What process you follow to implement authentication for end users?

11)   What is Cache Management? How do you implement auto cache management?

12)   What was the most challenging task you handled in you obiee project. What action you took to overcome that?

13)   How you implement dimensional Hierarchy?

14)   Can you create calculated column in rpd. If yes tell me the process.

15)   What you need to do to create trend based reports?

16)   How can you reorder & club multiple tables / columns, based on client requirements? (Nesting of Folders)

17)   What types of dashboard objects you have worked. Give me the examples?

18)   What type of views you have created, while generating reports?

19)   Tell me the process of merging Repository?

20)   How to create dashboard?

21)   How to restrict / grant access rights to various presentation services features.

22)   How can you move dashboard report from one dashboard to other?

23)   How to apply web based object level security?

24)   Difference between Table / Pivot & Gauge View?

25)   Difference between Narrative, Ticker & Static Teat?

26)   How to customize no result data display?

27)   How to apply presentation Variables to Dashboards & Reports?

28)   What is guided navigation used for, give me some practical example you implemented guided navigation?

29)   What is the scope of bins, how you implement them?

30)   What is the process of merging multiple physical tables to single logical table?

31)   How do you create Aggregate Tables?

32)   How do you Implement Usage Tracking?

33)   If you want to aggregate your data (Product Revenue based) on monthly basis & display data w.r.t fiscal years & country. How you will generate report?

34)   What is Slowly Changing Dimension? How do you implement them?

35)   What is conformed dimension?

36)   Have you worked in Time Series Function, Give me the practical example?

37)   How to implement level based measure?

38)   What is Logical Table Source used for?

39)   How do you localize your dashboard settings?

40)   How to implement implicit fact column. Why it is required?

41)   What is Alias Table & why it is used?

42)   How to implement MUDE (Multi User Development Environment)?

43)   What types of Dimensional Hierarchy are there? How you implement them?

44)   What is gauge view? Where it is used?

45)   How to you implement partitioning in presentation layer? (Bins)

46)   How to implement Fragmentation from rpd? (LTS, Fragmentation in content tab)

47)   How do you calculate number of elements at any level of hierarchy?

48)   How to implement non system session Variable?

49)   Can you specify expression in complex join? If yes how?

50)   How to design time dim. Hierarchy. What are mandatory constraints?

51)   How do you build Data Template?

52)   How to build RTF Template?

53)   How to configure Dillivers

54)   How to configure Scheduler


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